Hi Friend!

I was always a dreamer! I would ENVISION the life I wanted EVEN as a young child! I ENVISIONED AND PRAYED for the life I wanted.

Envision 31 was birthed out of my desire to help others not just dream! But ENVISION the dream, then take action! After becoming a mom, I knew I wanted to use my gifts to serve others AND my family! So I started my first at-home business Acting Skinny in 2010. I was a certified personal trainer, helping people out of my garage. I didn’t have a lot. I had a mirror propped up against the wall that I found at some yard sale. I had some weights. I had a certification, and a whole lot of grit! I loved helping women, but my personal training days were cut short with three more kids back to back! With young kids now, I shifted gears. I started empowering women in business, faith, and more, and people were coming to me for advice on how to grow their business, how to build a website, and more. I had built everything from scratch: blogs, websites, and taught myself how to do all the things. Although I went to UNC-Chapel Hill for psychology, I felt I had a Masters Degree in “LEARN TO DO IT YOURSELF.” So I did. From website design, to publishing my own books, I simply learned through a ton of failure and a whole lot of belief that I can get it done no matter what! And that’s what I did!

So I built Envision 31 doing exactly what I love! Helping people in their businesses through pre-book launch, organizing book details, editing, formatting, publishing books, website design, and some consulting on the side. And now, creating printables to help women track their goals! After writing a few books (Christian devotionals, a cookbook, affirmations journals, kids finance books), I remember God saying, “I want you to help others write their stories. I want you to help other people’s visions come to life.” That was almost 3 years that God gave me that vision. A year later, I was contacted to help publish my first book for a client. “Prayers for My Husband.” I edited, designed the cover, and saw the project come to life! You can find it on Amazon! It was such a fun project, and I’ve been so blessed to work with more people on their publishing and website goals!

So why would you choose Envision 31 for your business? Why would you partner with this big dreamer, crazy ambitious, Enneagram 3, type A, lover of Jesus and fitness, and who swears by a good planner (I may have designed and published one recently) to keep everyone’s schedules in line? WHY? Because I believe in the impossible! I believe that God wants to do the impossible through us, and if you work with me, then it’s God’s design for me to bring your vision to fruition! SO if you think we may be a good fit, let’s connect! I’d love to help you PRESS PLAY on your ideas TODAY!

Recent Projects

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