So let’s back up a bit. I got a credit card at 19 to get a free t-shirt on my college campus UNC-Chapel Hill! Go HEELS! I loved free things back then, being a broke college student. I was working 3 jobs, and my dad sent a monthly stipend of $400 a month to help. However, I don’t even remember what I used that $400 a month for y’all! I had NO concept of budgeting. So I spent whatever I earned and whatever my dad sent on God knows what! The idea of saving, budgeting, being wise with money was never something I saw so I spent and gave the rest away. So by getting a credit card and making minimum payments for 6 months or so, I was able to buy my first car! I went into that bank with my pay stubs and was able to get my first auto loan! I remember that day like it was yesterday! I was so proud that I had built my credit to 626! :) That was a big deal to me even though I no idea what credit even was or meant.