Envision 31 inspires women to be their best in finances, faith, and freedom! We believe that God wants more for us, AND it starts today!
Do you need help in your finances, paying off debt, struggling in life!? Our Life or Finance Coaching is for you! Let’s Press Play on being financially free, dreaming bigger in your business, or simply in life! You are capable! You are full of purpose! Let’s dive into that today! Book your Session TODAY!
Imagine living paycheck to paycheck! Imagine having debt up to your eyeballs, and not knowing how to get out! That was me! And that’s why I created the Envision 31 community, resources, AND new But God planner! I took years and years of struggling, then paying off $65,000 debt, then saving and investing, and now I get to help women and families win with money!
Our Newest Collection
Hey friend hey! For the holidays, I love shopping small! I love supporting small shops and businesses knowing my money is going to families! At Envision 31, part of our proceeds go to causes near and dear to our hearts! We are able to give back to our community and organizations because of your support! So thank you! And let’s shop small this holiday season!