How To Save Big On No Spend Month

We are just finishing up week 1 of our No Spend Month, and it has been amazing and hard all at the same time. On one hand, we are definitely missing eating out, on the other hand, we are loving seeing the savings and strides we are making. Whether you need to reset after the holidays, pay off debt, or create margin in your budget doing a No Spend Month can help catapult your financial goals!


How to Save Big On a No Spend Month

So how do you save big on a spend month!?

  1. After tracking your spending for one month, determine what areas you can improve. Or go over your budget from last month or your bank account, and look where you spent the most money last month. For us, we were spending a ton of budgeted money on eating out. Even though it was budgeted, that was an area that we did not need to spend SOOO much money on. So this month on the no spend, we saved over $150 just by eating at home. IN WEEK 1. On Fridays, we would order pizza out. On Sundays, we would eat Panera after church. And then, we would eat out again during the week! Week 1 Savings in the eating out category, $150.

  2. After tracking your spending and determining what area you can improve, put an envelope aside. At the end of each week, when you don’t spend in that category, take the money out of the bank, and put whatever you saved in an envelope. For us, we tracked how much we usually spend on pizza on Friday nights, and Panera on Sundays, and took that money out the bank and stuffed it in the envelope. We will do that each week we don’t eat out.

  3. Use shelf cooking (cooking using what you already have in your fridge, pantry, and freezer), to save money on groceries. In week 1, we save $50 out of our $150 dollar weekly budget, by using what we already had. We eat leftovers, we freeze bulk meat, we make meals based on what we already have, and then buy necessities and some wants. Use shelf cooking to save money on groceries. And shop sales and what’s in season. Week 1 grocery savings: $50. You can do it friend!

  4. Make coffee at home, tea at home, give up soda, or wine, or things that you spend tons on. For me, I would spend $15-$20 on wine a week! I know! Crazy. But because I’m doing a no spend and sugar fast, I’m not drinking for the entire month. So I will put, $20 in an envelope each week! These things add up! And by the end of the month, think how much you will have saved! What are you spending $10-$20 on each week that you can do without for 30 days! It will be so worth it!

  5. Shop on Facebook Marketplace, secondhand, or used for needed items before shopping Amazon or in stores. If you have budgeted for clothes or something you need, shop secondhand first. Try Mercari or Poshmark if you have needed items during your no spend month. By shopping secondhand, you’re spending less money AND helping the environment.

There are so many ways to save big on a no Spend Month! This week alone, we saved $208! In week 1! I cannot wait to see how much you save in a No Spend Month! Follow along my friend Kelly and I’s journey on Instagram stories and tag #simplynospendmonth!

Until next time friend,

