But God: Trusting God for a Miracle!

I didn't want to celebrate my 35th birthday, but it's not for the reason you'd think. 

You see, earlier this week my dad got sick and was fighting for his life. Not breathing on his own. Kidneys failing. Dialysis. Tons of meds. Induced coma. The drs could not explain it nor did they think he would make it. 

All week...my church, my family, my friends, we've prayed for a miracle. We believed for a miracle! I cried out to God..."I know it seems impossible to just talk to my dad for my birthday, but nothing is impossible for you." He never misses calling me on my birthday, and I just wanted to hear his voice! 

Earlier today, I called my dad...and...and..the nurse said....he was breathing on his own friends!  He was off 24 hr dialysis, AND he was off a ton of meds! Later today, the Dr called and he was amazed by the "sudden" change in my dad's health! And said he would be moving my dad OUT of ICU! But GOD! There's no sudden! Our God is a healer! 

This photo was taken last year around this time! Circa (July 2018)

This afternoon, God blessed me with the best birthday wish ever! My dad spoke! All I wanted for my birthday was to hear his voice, and although it seemed impossible on Monday when he was fighting for his life, HE SPOKE TODAY! Come on God! 

To all of those who prayed and believed with us...thank you! To all of those who have wished me happy birthday...thank you so much! And to those who are waiting for God...hoping...believing. God is a God of miracles, and healing, and hope! God healed my dad! Nothing is impossible for God! And that my friends...is worth celebrating! 

Grab our newest, BUT GOD, journal during resale Jule 29th-August 2nd!!!

Until next time friends!