How To Start Using Your Passions and Gifts

I remember sitting in our three bedroom apartment, with our little baby girl thinking, “There has to be more to life than this.” I felt stuck! I loved being a mom and homemaker, BUT I wanted more. I felt depressed, without purpose, isolated, and just alone. God had placed gifts and passions inside of me, and I wanted to use them outside of the home! Sure, I loved being able to pour into my baby girl and later 4 kids, BUT I believed I was called to more!

Step 1: Discovery:
How do you discover what you area or field you are passionate or gifted in?

This is a question I get a lot! When I was 17, I wanted to be a brain surgeon when I went to college! I learned very quickly in my first Biology class that I did not love science much! Actually, I think I failed my first Biology class in college, sorry mom. So science was not my jam. But you know what was!? People! I sucked at science, but I LOVED volunteering with an organization called Chispa Chicas. I was a tutor for hispanic girls, and often went to a local school to help them with their homework! I absolutely adored volunteering. So the first step in discovering what you are passionate about is: YOU NEED TO LOVE IT! I only knew that I loved volunteering BY DOING IT! So try a few different things!

Step 1: Discovery TIPS:
Three tips to discovering what you are passionate about or gifted in?

Try at least 3 different things (volunteer at a soup kitchen, babysit a friend’s child, take a sewing or crafting class)
Honestly ask yourself what brought me the most joy and why?
Ask your closest friend, mentor, spouse, or someone who knows you very well, what they think you are gifted in?

***Note: One of my favorite personality tests right now is the Enneagram Test. Find out your number on***

Step 2: Unleash:
How do you unleash your passions and gifts to serve others OR make money?

This is another great question! So I remember being at home with my little baby girl, and I knew I loved helping people. I was also into fitness at that time, training for half marathons and such, SO coaching women became a natural next step for me! So I looked into what it what take for me to become a certified personal trainer. I began studying, and I took the test and passed. What now!? I knew I wanted to stay at home with my daughter, so instead of working for someone, I decided I wanted to work for myself and open my own personal training business. Ten years ago, I started researching what it would take to get my business license, and all the necessary steps it would take to “open” my coaching/training business, and within 6 months, I had my first personal training client! Crazy, right! It’s only crazy until you do it! I didn’t know how to do it! I figured it out! And you can too!

Step 2: Unleash Tips:
Three Tips to Unleashing your passions and gifts!

 After completing step one, research the next steps to accomplishing your goal. Do you need a training? Do you need to fill out a form? Do you need to go back to school? Research what it will take for you to unleash your passion! Honestly ask yourself do I have the money, resources, time to follow through with this passion right now? If the answer is no, write a plan or action steps to start saving, rearranging, or making preparations to make your passion a reality and not just a wish!
Ask your closest friend, mentor, spouse, or someone who knows you very well, to hold you accountable for achieving your goals when it comes to your passions/gifts!

Step 3: Activate

How do you take action on your passions and gifts?

I opened my first business in 2009 or 2010, who can remember now that I have so many kids! :) I knew I wanted to help women. I researched the steps it would take to open my own business. I studied, I took the test, I got the supplies needed to train clients. I ordered business cards. I started looking for places to market my business. So how do you take action? You put one foot in front of the other. You do it scared. You figure out a way to make it happen, and you START! After you’ve taken the necessary steps, you get to work! If your passion is volunteering in the soup kitchen, you fill out the volunteer paperwork, choose a soup kitchen, and sign up! You show up with a smile on your face, ready to use your gifts to change people’s lives! . It’s time for you to do the work! Let’s ACTIVATE your passions and gifts today! 

Step 3: Activate Tips:
Three Tips to Activating your passions and gifts!

After completing step two, now it’s time to get to work. Set your start date! You’ve already completed your training. You’ve already done your research. Now it’s go time! Whether it’s volunteering or starting a new business, YOU CAN DO IT! It’s time to put one foot in front of the other, and use your passions and gifts! You were born for this! You were made for this! It is your time! It starts today! So set your start date!
Share your news with a friend, relative, mentor, or spouse! Allow them to celebrate with you! It’s hard to do something new, but they are rooting for you! AND SO AM I! Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate! Choose to reward yourself when you accomplish your goal! Whether it be a pedicure, manicure, or a cupcake, or a new pair of shoes, reward yourself! You deserve it!

Thank you so much for reading our “How to Start Using your Passions and Gifts”! It’s been so much fun to “connect virtually” with you! I hope we can be friends on Social Media, so don’t forget to follow me on Facebook or Instagram! If you loved this, and want more! Join my monthly coaching program where we dive into goal setting, limiting beliefs, fitness, health, business, motherhood, negative belief systems preventing you from accomplishing your goals, and so much more! Join our monthly coaching program now! Head to ENVISION 31 coaching to sign up!

Until next time friends, let’s go out and be all that God created together!