Five Secrets to Writing Your First Book

Kanye West just put out his first Christian album, “Jesus is King,” and whether you agree with him or not, one thing remains.  Kanye could have “waited” to feel ready to put out the album.  Kanye could have waited to feel ready or more “mature” in his faith.  Kanye could have thought about what people would think and the judgment and backlash he would get from the Christian community.  But you know what?  He put out the album, and those who don’t know Jesus are running to the arms of our Savior because of the power of God and Kanye’s decision to say “Yes!” That’s worth celebrating.  Goodness, Jesus saving Kanye is no different than God saving you or me.  I don’t know about you, but I was a hot mess before Jesus and even after Jesus.  Yes, I was cleaned up a bit more post Jesus, but the process of loving God, receiving His love, and loving others was a process for me.  It was not overnight experience for me.  So what’s so different about Kanye?  He has a much bigger platform to share his testimony, and what God has done in his life, and He is getting so much backlash from who?  Christians?  Really?  Did you see you back in the day?  Your former self before Jesus?  I digress.   We all need Jesus each and every day and Kanye needs Jesus just as much as me and you!  But you know what Kanye is doing that we are not?  Sharing his story of hope!   You’re never going to be “ready”, but like Kanye, you have a story to tell and other people are waiting for you to share.  People need to hear your testimony!  

When I wrote my first book, I was terrified.  Would anyone purchase it?  What would people think of me?  Could I do it?  Would it be any good? Goodness approval addiction and perfectionism are very real.  God had told me in the 6th grade that I would become an author and speaker, and I ran from that calling like the plague.  I ran the other direction because it terrified me.  It took me years to finally believe in myself and not my self-limiting beliefs to finally put down my excuses, put down my anxieties, and find courage to finally begin the book writing process, but I finally did it almost 4 years ago.  And since then, I have written tons of books and devotions because of Jesus, and overcoming my fear of failure, and overcoming my fear that I actually could write.  And if only one person purchased my book,  then at least I obeyed.  Thankfully, we have sold out of and restocked almost every book published, so praise God for that! So if you’re here, grab a notebook, and let’s get Kanye bold, and write your first book, friend.  So here are the 5 secrets to writing your first book.

  1. Get rid of the self-limiting beliefs and start saying affirmations that you can write and publish your first book. Self-limiting beliefs are those things you believe about yourself that place limitations on your abilities. For example: “I cannot write a book,” “No one will read my book,” “I’m not smart enough to write a book,” “My grammar is not very good.” Those are all limiting beliefs holding you back from operating in your full gifting. If God has placed on your heart to write and publish a book, get rid of the self-limiting beliefs and start speaking affirmations. “I will write a book. I will publish a book. My book will be amazing.” If you need help with affirmations, head to my shop to grab a book on affirmations today!

  2. Start writing TODAY! Do not wait until you feel ready. Start writing your book today. Matter of fact, after you finish this blog post, take at least 5 minutes to start writing right now. Don’t wait until tomorrow, or later, start thinking of your topic, title and just start writing.

  3. Write freely, authentically, and GO THERE! You know that thing that God delivered you from that you want to hide and not share, but He’s told you to share. GO THERE! Someone is struggling too. They need to hear your story. Share it. Be brave. Be courageous. Go there. Don’t write the pretty stuff. Write the shameful, painful things that made you who you are today! Don’t think about grammar or mistakes, just GO THERE! Editing is for another stage in the writing process. So write freely, authentically, be brave without correcting your mistakes.

  4. Write consistently and often. I don’t like to have a writing schedule because I believe a schedule sometimes stifles creativity for me, but if a writing schedule will help you, then type up a writing schedule. If you don’t feel like you have time with work and commitments, wake up early. It is 4oclock am here Eastern time. I don’t want to wake up at 4am, but my kids will be up soon between 5 and 6am for school. In order to write, you may have to sacrifice time with friends, time on television or social media. The book is not going to just write itself nor will you just find time to write. You have to MAKE TIME! Make it your priority.

  5. Come up with a deadline 3, 6, 9, or 12 months away. I’ve written a book in 3 months, and I’ve written a book in 12 months. Give yourself a loose deadline, and then break down how much writing you want to do per day, per week. Write a goal, I want to write 4 days a week or I want to write 5 days a week. Like a weight loss goal, write it down! And then get to work! Even if you write for 1 hr a day, DO IT! And write down your deadline that you want to have the writing complete (not editing, publishing or marketing), just writing! Tell a friend or accountability partner about your deadline/goal. Or we offer a coaching program to help you achieve your goals! We will get to the other important details in the next blog posts.

Kanye did not wait until he felt “ready” to record his first Christian album.  He did not wait until you gave him permission to record.  He didn’t wait until everyone warmed up to the idea of his sudden Christianity.  Saul had a sudden Christianity experience on the road to Damascus, and we love that story.  He killed tons of Christians, yet we welcome that Bible story when God saved and redeemed Him.  But for some reason, I guess some of us feel not everyone is worth saving, deserving of Jesus?   I’m so thankful God felt I was worth saving, because if it were up to society to decide who “deserves” Christianity, deserves “Jesus”, I guess the thousands of people who were saved at Kanye’s Sunday Service would still be walking in darkness.  Let’s not be “those” people.  God has called each of us, God has given each of us a unique story.  Some redemption stories are Saul/Paul like, some of them are like Moses, some of them are less “glorified” but still mean the same to our father.  Our stories matter to God, but more importantly, God did not give you a story to keep to yourself.  Like Kanye, let’s tell the world, show the world the goodness of our Father.  The amazing truth of who God is.  They are looking for the light of Jesus, and it’s start with us.  It’s time for you to start writing your story.  Will you start writing it today?  Some people need to see your hope, and you have that to offer them today!  ! You want to judge Kanye like the Pharisees? Or are you going to be brave like Kanye and do the hard thing God is calling you to do! Write that book, start that business, start that non-profit organization, start that blog, do that thing that’s going to share Jesus and offer hope to people who don’t know Him! Kanye used his gifts to advance the kingdom of God! How will you use your gifts to advance the kingdom of God TODAY? And friend, it starts right now! Go out and be brave today!

Until next time friend,


Want more secrets to writing your first book? Join our God’s Boss Babes Academy, our new course Girls Writing Club will go live December 1st, but PRELAUNCH SALE OPENS TODAY!!! We will be training Boss Babes to write, publish, and market their very first book! Click here for more info! Or if you need a little motivation to get started? Listen to my Podcast, Episode 3: “DO IT SCARED” now.