5 Ways to Save $1000 for Christmas

It’s hard to believe Christmas is right around the corner! We try to save all year for Christmas and festivities because years ago, we went into so much debt around the holiday season. Instead of focusing on Jesus, making memories, and enjoying the holidays with family and friends, we were so focused on stuff and buying all the new cool gadgets for our kids. Admittedly, years ago, I walked into a Dave Ramsey financial peace class, and said, “Hello, I’m Shelly. I’m a shopaholic” as if there should be some shopaholic anonymous support group just for me! That class, Financial Peace University, was life changing, and because of it and God, we were able to pay off about $40,000 in debt. I wish I could say I stayed out of debt, but in my depression, I spent money to “feel better”, and hid my depression and spending from most people, including my husband. The shame of “not having it all together” really sat heavily on me, and through therapy, Jesus, and tons of financial, spiritual, and emotional counseling, we’ve been able to pay off 9 credit cards and are on track to being debt-free! God has really impressed on my heart the importance of being a good steward of our finances, so I may have created some BUDGET PRINTABLES/DEBT REPAYMENT plans to help keep us on track! Although it’s been such a journey, I’ve learned some tricks and lessons along the way! And now, I’m so grateful to share those with you!! So here are 5 Ways to Save $1000 this Christmas!

1. Cut the Caffeine and/or extra snacks and excess food. To some this may sound like blasphemy. 

So confession, I use to spend 5.75 at Starbucks every single day! I know crazy, so 172.50 per month was getting wasted on my caffeine addiction. Perhaps you aren’t like me and crazy spending so much money on coffee. But you may spend 15-20 dollars a week on your guilty pleasure whatever that may be. Getting rid of the extra can save you almost $100 or more a month. Figure out what excess you can get rid of: caffeine, soda, or even going out to eat! You can save so much just by eliminating non essential items. Some may argue coffee would be an essential!  I’m with that person, but now, I make it at home! Last month, we also cut meat, and dairy out of our diets. I’ll share more on that journey later! We have definitely saved money by going plant-based, and we feel so much better!

2. Ditch the Store and Online shopping!

So after homeschooling our kiddos (now we have two in school and two still homeschooling), I would need to get out the house, so I would head to the fanciest place I know…..Target or the Book Store or Kohls just to get out the house. Hey, mama needs a break! But while there, there was no window shopping for me. I’d pick up this or that, and that and this, and next thing you know, I’ve spent $100 plus dollars. Ditch the store and online shopping, outside of toiletry and grocery items, necessities…And save tons. Stick to your list, only buying the items needed, and watch that savings increase! Also, download the store app, Target has one, Bi-lo, different stores, and rack up on the savings!

3. Make a Menu based on store sales and what is in season!

So last year, my hubby had this brilliant idea to grocery shop for our family based on a menu he created and derived from store sales. Can you say genius? Within the first month, we cut our $800 budget to $460 a month for groceries for a family of 6! Can you believe that!? $460! So a savings of $340 a month! Say what!? Yes! We have since adjusted our grocery budget to a little more, but we saved so much money this year on groceries! Allowing us to make tons of headway on our debt free journey! So whip out your weekly ads from your favorite grocery stores, and get to menu planning based on the sales they are offering and what’s in season! You’ll save a ton of money and thank me later! OR do what I have done which is started shopping on Instacart! Instacart delivery has saved our lives! After opening the restaurant Eggs Up Grill, our first location, my husband was much too busy to grocery shop, which he absolutely enjoyed doing for us! Insert Instacart into our lives, where not only will they shop for you, they deliver it to your door or kitchen counter, whichever you prefer! I have a coupon of $10 off if you want to try it! Click HERE! It has been a game changer for our family, and it keeps us on budget!

4. Consign or Sell clothes, shoes, jewelry, toys, and or electronics

We have this place here in Columbia SC called “Once Upon a Child” where we do a bit of consigning once our children grow out of their clothes (we do save some for younger siblings), and one month, I received about $100 total for 4 trips to that consignment store. Another month, my husband took some unopened Lego sets that were in our attic, and he sold them on eBay for hundreds of dollars. So the total savings between consigning and selling items on eBay totaled more than $300! Dave Ramsey, financial guru, says, sell so much stuff, the kids think they are next! Look around your house to see what you can find to turn into cash for this Christmas!

5. Start or Join A Business: Use your gifts and passions to earn extra income

Five years ago, my daughter called me out on a dream I had been sitting on for years! I wanted to design my own clothing line, but I had no clue where to start. I started with scarves and made them for friends and family. Eventually, I began selling them on my Facebook page Acting Skinny and on my Acting Skinny website! After years of growing that business, God had me shut that business down to focus on our new restaurant we were opening. However, one Christmas alone, I made over $1000 in less than a month selling my scarves, books, and Acting Skinny “merch”! Closing that business was hard, but Envision 31 has been a dream come true! Through the power of Jesus, I have been able to write, publish, and ship books and journals all over the US! And this holiday season/new year, we are launching God’s Business Babes, helping women achieve their goals in different areas like finances, goal setting, business, writing books, health, and so much more! So be on the lookout for that! So use your gifts girl! Perhaps starting your own business is too daunting, but perhaps you love make up and beauty! Young Living has an amazing makeup line, and it’s all natural so you don’t have to worry about toxins all of your face!  Or perhaps you love health and wellness and natural living, learn about how essential oils and living toxin free can help you in your health journey!  I joined Young Living  a few years ago, and it has transformed our family’s health!  I didn’t initially want to share the business, but I started in the late spring one year, and within just a few months of sharing the Young Living business, I made enough to cover both our car notes!  (YL Income Disclosure) I know, crazy, right?  I have friends who make 6 figures in their MLM (multilevel marketing) businesses!  The MLM business is growing and growing, and moms and women are taking the world by storm using social media and their God given abilities to grow their business online! A recent article that I read said that the majority of 6 figure women earners were part of an MLM or social media based business! There are so many avenues to use your gifts to serve others AND make a stream of revenue for you and your family! One of my friends started her own cake making business! She had sat on her dreams for a while, and now she is not taking any orders for the next month because her business is booming! Another friend, just started her own bow and bibdana company Porters Bibdanas and Bows. Arden loves modeling her amazing collection! Check out her Facebook Page!

It’s been such a huge blessing to serve others with my books, scarves, budget printables, free devotionals, journals, and more through Envision 31! But it all started because I said YES to God and using my gifts to serve others! And I cannot wait to help other Boss Babes accomplish their dreams and goals starting Dec 1st! I bet you have some ideas and skills that you can use to serve others too!    And if that’s you, there are tons of opportunities for you to use your gifts to serve your family and others and make money doing what you love OR where you are gifted!

So let’s take a look at the potential money breakdown:

  • Cut the caffeine/excess eating out/excess snacks: ($132)

  • Ditch the store: ($100)

  • Make a menu: ($340)

  • Consign/Sell Unused items: ($300+)

  • Start or Join A Business: (150+)

Total: Over $1000

With Christmas around the corner, those are 5 Ways you can save over $1000 for Christmas! You don’t have to go into debt to have a great Christmas! This Christmas, let’s focus on Jesus, making memories, enjoying loved ones, and really being present during this holiday season!

Until next time friends,


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